BTW, with this new amp change I am beginning to understand the difference between overly "analytical" systems in which the instruments are well separated, but they lack air. With my Hovland Radia, there is a definite separation between instruments both in width and depth, but the instruments sound as it they are enveloped in air, not just coming out of a black background.
My new speakers were demoed to me against Vienna Acoustics in the same price range. The Vienna Acoustics were extremely accurate, but they were not "musical" like the Sonus Fabers. Again, that had to do with the air. Some people like a system where instruments come out of a black background. They see that as accuracy. I go to the symphony and hear music live a lot. The instruments do not come from a black background. They are in a kind of musical soup, but when I listen carefully, I can distinguish were the sound of each instrument is coming from. It's not always easy, though.