Purchased alot of mid priced gear over the years and at this stage I know what I need and don't so much in SQ. I listen at low to moderate levels and wanted gear that isn't too bulky, sounds great to me and has a reputation for reliability and longevity.
While I would like to hear alot of speakers reputed to be great sounding, I have seemed to jump off the swapping of gear for the most part.
Being over 60, I use a simple CA-1 amp with a Topping D70s dac driving Audel Magika II speakers. The other is a Keces E40 with an Aune dac upgraded with a Sparkos OpAmp and its own brand LPS driving Opticon 1s with good results. Nothing super expensive, all bought on discount whether a sale, used or closeout/demo.
Though not perfect and I could nitpick, the SQ I hear is very good, even in comparison to more expensive gear I have had prior in amps or speakers.
With amps I wanted smaller and lighter, got it. The dacs have a reputation for value for performance, got it. The speakers, were the latest purchase and I wanted smaller. The Opticons work well with my small sub as a fillin and the Audels good on their own.
The latest speakers, the Audels were a last minute consideration that came up in which I considered the Fritz Carbon 7se, Audio Craftsman Laval and Victoria, Revival Audio Atalante 3, Dali Rubicon 2, some Xavians (hard to find) among many others I seemed to have crossed off the list for one reason or another.
The least expensive and smallest at the time were the Dali Rubicon 2(still thought too high even on closeout) and the Audel. I almost decided on the Fritz from the great feedback and as it would be the easiest to resell down the road from reputation but the Audels came up and after a quick review, felt they could be a great match for my needs and at less money on closeout.
What tilted me towards the Audels were a combination of what was stated in the reviews, the actual cost of the drivers, the overall size as well as the birch plywood box over mdf (I previously looked at Closer Ogy but deemed to bass light for my needs). Probably a bit less warm sounding than the Fritz but I was used to metal tweeters beforehand and find its a resolving and detailed listen which is still easy on the ears with good depth. Either would have fit the bill but the cabinet pushed me over the decision edge. I feel the Laval also offers alot and looked great in its walnut veneer. So many choices.
Well, that's where I'm at. If the D70s goes, I would either replace with a Centaurus and perhaps with a DDC for an expected improvement too or if I can, perhaps something like the new Denafrips Venus (if I can get at a lower price used) or such as I feel the chain is good enough to justify a more expensive dac. Time will tell but for now, its good.