Tube Pre/ Class D Amp - Who has done it?

Open forum for those who have actually tried this.  Really curious to know who has been happy, or maybe unhappy, with a tube preamp driving a Class D amplifier?

Of course, tube pre with a solid state amp is a classic pairing for hard to drive speakers, especially ESL's.   This is a little different.   I'm really curious to know what pres and Class D amps have had great synergy.


I have used two hybrid integrated amplifiers in my second system:

  1. Rogue Sphinx v3
  2. Heaven 11 Billie v2 (current)

Speakers have been:  Zu Omen Monitors; Golden Ear BRX (current)

Sources are:  PS Audio SACD Transport; PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC; Technics SL 1500c TT.  

I like the system, don't quite love it.  It sounds very good and is perfectly fine, it just doesn't move me the way my main system does, which doesn't have components that are that much better.  

I know speaker set-up is part of the issue (on top of 5 foot high bookshelves).  I think the answer is an all tube amp, though I have been very distracted the last year or so.





My Luxman CL-38uC preamp and my Red Dragon 500 mono-blocks sound wonderful together.

I have a BHK preamp controlling my Atma-Sphere Class D amps I am amazed how good the combination sounds. I also have. a pair of Cary 211FE amps that I also use with the same preamp. It is nice to be able to go from an all tube system to a hybrid with the Class D. 

I have a Cary SLP-05 tube preamp and used a well known high quality 500 watt GaN class D amp for a while.  

The sound was comparable to the better Class D amps I have heard except truly the speed of this amp was off the charts.  It was able to delineate differences in rapid fire percussion like no other amp I have owned or heard.  Actually topped the speed of the Pass XA25, another unusually rapid fire amplifier.  

I just did not prefer the overall sound of the amp.  Somewhat drier, matter of fact, not even a hint of glow.  

I would recommend a quality class D amp if you need lots of relatively economic power for current hungry speakers like Magnepan or have a need for amplifiers with a light weight compact footprint.  

Based strictly on sound quality the answer is no.  


Due to a recent change in speakers, I decided I needed a more powerful set of monoblock amps than my Herron M2 class A/B amps (160 watts each) which were matched with a Herron VTSP-360 tube preamp.

I decided to give the PS Audio M1200 Stellar monoblocks a try. They are Class D, and 600 watts each. They have a single tube in the input stage.

This turned out to be a nice pairing, providing the power needed for my power hungry Gershman Studio xDB speakers while giving up nothing in sound quality to the Herron amps, which sound amazing, but just didn’t have enough grunt for the Gershmans.

I also have an older Wyred 4 Sound stereo amp in a second system paired with an ARC LS26 and Klipsch Quartet speakers. The W4S amp is just a little rolled off in the treble, which results in better control of the "shouty" nature of the Klipsch speakers. It’s in a bedroom system and not set up ideally or ever played very loud, but sounds great at moderate volumes. It could be a nice main system for someone on a budget.