If Bi-Wiring is an option, should I choose Bi-wiring over single banana with free jumpers

Hello All!

Newbie here : ) I have a pair of speakers (MartinLogan Motion 40i) that have, according to the website, "dual five-way binding post speaker terminals which allow bi-amping or bi-wiring." As you can see in the top right photo of the speaker terminals in this link, the speakers came with free jumpers (the jumpers look like just a sheet of conductive metal) between the 4 terminals. 


So when purchasing speaker cables, placing the best quality connection over cost, should I:

1. (Cheapest) Get single banana plugs and use the included free jumpers, or

2. (More costly but will it be WAY better?) Get Bi-wire speaker cables and remove the free jumpers.

3. Get single banana plugs, and find some high quality jumpers to replace the free included jumpers.

If it doesnt matter much to sound quality, it seems option #1 is best as its cheapest. However my goal is to get the best/most efficient connection so i suspect options #2 or #3 might be the way to go? 

Many thanks for any advice!



I have not seen the Martin Logan jumpers, but I do have jumpers on my KEF Reference 1 speakers and on a pair of Mordaunt Short floor-standers.  These are flat metal, possibly plated copper, but far bigger in cross section than any speaker cable!  In effect they are two big spade connectors in tandem - no other connection, plating, wire, crimping or solder.  To my mind, it does not matter how many 9s there are in a replacement 'jumper cable', it cannot possibly have lower resistance than the original jumpers.

Can't comment on bi-wiring ....

Bi-wiring makes no difference, The back EMF isolation theory is complete nonsense because the crossover already keeps those currents away from the MF and HF drivers. The larger gauge wire claim makes no sense either, because the second pair of wires isn't connected to the woofer except maybe by a common ground if in the unlikely case the crossover was wired that way.

Bi-Amping is a different story. Properly done with a low-level crossover before the amps and bypassing the woofer passive crossover elements, eliminating the series resistance (and consequent loss of woofer damping) and hysteresis (delay between input and output) inherent in a series inductor will make a very noticeable improvement, as well as increasing the systems dynamic range by as much as 6dB.

This is basic electro-physics 101.

I have always bi-wired my ProAc Response 2's.  They just sound better that way--deeper sound stage, more texture.

My experience — I found an improvement in shotgun biwire but it is relatively subtle and came at a fairly high price because my cables are expensive.  If you’re happy with all your other components and are looking for a potential improvement it could be worthwhile, otherwise I’d single wire and put in jumpers and put the $$$ to improve a component.  Jumpers need not be expensive or the same brand BTW, and something like this for like 16 bucks would be fine and certainly better than the metal plates…


Hope this helps. 

Having enough speaker pairs snaking about, I've opted to bi-amp as much as practical.  Having enough amps to do so was a matter of choice.

'More bang for the buck', save the power for the woofs and subs, be nice to the tweets and mids.....and having the active Xovers to do so.

Don't need or likely can hear the rosin coming off the bow...just want to hear what my odd collection can really create on a beer budget.

Daily surprise is the goal....without the requirement of high $ cables and ic's to do so...

(...current goal is to replace my YT vid of my omnis' with something more up to date...in 2 chan.....better 'spread', louder, at that y'all find of intrigue....)

Who could resist a low budget MBL?

Unless locked in amber is a suitable response.... ;)