Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?

I heard about new DACs on the market better than Scarlatti.
StahlTek Vekian and GTE Audio.
Someone compared them with Scarlatti?
Any other DAC compared with dcs?
That's an interesting point the writer makes in the CA link. It makes eminent sense if one is using a computer server to employ room correction. I am auditioning the Trinnov Optimizer in my setup right now and my preliminary assessment is quite favorable. I consider myself a critical listener and so far, so good with the Trinnov.
Wflm, That is a small room. The Indra may be the largest speaker that will work. Even though the Time footprint is not much different, it will behave sonically as a much larger speaker. If the bass is not properly controlled, the Time may be less satisfying than the Indra. I would recommend you give Avalon a call to ask their advice.
Perrew, can you describe system where you compared Scarlatti?
I'm very sceptical when much lower price device can perform better that higher price one. I think this means that it was not properly setup.
My Scarlatti start to work well after good power and cabling.
For what it's worth, I listened to the Scarlatti for a couple of hours under show conditions. It was set up in a larger room with the large VTL amp and Sceana speakers. At the time, I strongly preferred my APL NWO-3.0SE for its superior coherence, realism, dynamics, refinement and musicality. I came to the same conclusion after hearing a few other top-tier CD/SACD players in dealer showrooms. My recent upgrade to the NWO-4.0SE is a significant improvement over the 3.0SE.
Pure - curious, how could you isolate the Scarlatti form the rest of the system and room?