Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?

I heard about new DACs on the market better than Scarlatti.
StahlTek Vekian and GTE Audio.
Someone compared them with Scarlatti?
Any other DAC compared with dcs?
Wflm, That is a small room. The Indra may be the largest speaker that will work. Even though the Time footprint is not much different, it will behave sonically as a much larger speaker. If the bass is not properly controlled, the Time may be less satisfying than the Indra. I would recommend you give Avalon a call to ask their advice.
Perrew, can you describe system where you compared Scarlatti?
I'm very sceptical when much lower price device can perform better that higher price one. I think this means that it was not properly setup.
My Scarlatti start to work well after good power and cabling.
For what it's worth, I listened to the Scarlatti for a couple of hours under show conditions. It was set up in a larger room with the large VTL amp and Sceana speakers. At the time, I strongly preferred my APL NWO-3.0SE for its superior coherence, realism, dynamics, refinement and musicality. I came to the same conclusion after hearing a few other top-tier CD/SACD players in dealer showrooms. My recent upgrade to the NWO-4.0SE is a significant improvement over the 3.0SE.
Pure - curious, how could you isolate the Scarlatti form the rest of the system and room?
Rtn1 - Sound advice (no pun)...and have made contact with Avalon. Such also prompted me to get exact on the dimensions. Usefully, the listening room box is somewhat larger than I had thought : 17ft x 13 x 8 (LxWxH). The Indras currently sit 2ft into the room, 3ft off the side walls, with the primary listening position about 8 ft from the speaker face. At least to my ears, this works. Am quite curious as to what a room analyzer will indicate.

Thanks again.