One Sub or Two?

Hey folks, looking for some thoughts here on subs…

Putting together a system with B&W 801 D4s and a HTM81 D4.  I don’t think B&W makes the best subs necessarily, so…

1. Looking for recommendations for other sub brands…I’ve heard good things about REL for example

2. Wonder whether I should get one “really good” sub or two “pretty good subs?”

System is for 2 channel listening to classic rock and also 5.1 audio for home theater purposes.

McIntosh amps and pre/pro.

Many thanks in advance for your advice…I appreciate it!


I have one Rythmic 15 in sealed sub. No space for 2. The speakers are high passes at 50 Hz and the sub is low passed at 50 Hz. 

The sub integration is seamless and you really can not local the sub listening.

I use 2 REL subs, had 1 for year then added the other and significant improvement... a single sub can sound quite good if you have a single listening position you can place the sub for...

For a room of that size, consider two (or more) Rythmik F18 or G25HP subs depending on what budget and room (and wife) constraints allow.

What ever happened to distributed sub arrays, swarms, and the more the better?