Murataltuev, The Wadia does not have dynamics of vinyl. The dynamics come down the chain, with the BAT pre and the Troy. Someone in another thread likened the Wadia to a scientific instrument. It was a put-down, but it depends upon your perspective. The Wadia adds nothing. It just extracts the data. It is up to you, what you do with that data.
Personally, I do not always care for the dynamics of vinyl. It can be too much, resulting in a loss of realness. I can get increased dynamics from my pre with different tubes. It gives a different perspective. The layering comes from the Troy. Not even the pre can give the optimal layering.
The ultimate DAC may be your castle in the air. Cables and power are important, but the pre may be key for the sound you seek. I'd be curious to know what you think of top preamps from BAT, Joule, VAC... Even more choices if you are willing to go with unbalanced, which I am not. The Troy may be another piece to get you there.