One of my favorite turntables was an LP-12 I got used in 1975. This was before they added electronics to it…just a Scottish AR or TD150. My roommate was in the UK on a fellowship so I asked him to bring me a Keith Monks arm for it. I mounted it with a Sonus Blue Label I selected from our store inventory as having the straightest cantilever, and used it with an ARC SP-3a, a Dyna PAT-5 and a DB Systems 1A until our home was burglarized. All that remained of it were the little dusty blobs of liquid Hg on the floor!
The KMAL unipivot was silicone damped, so its rocking motion was not readily apparent. The arm wiring ran through 4 baths of liquid mercury in lieu of copper wire to eliminate, not merely reduce, any torque effects on the stylus.