I am sad

I am very sad. Feels like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.

My amplifier is malfunctioning. It happens. Just fix it and move on what’s the big deal? Well I’m trying. I need the company of the amp to send me the invoice so I can buy the part and start the fixing. But they don’t reply to my e-mails. It’s been 3 weeks since the last communication. The amp has been broken for 2 months. I just need them to let me pay for the part. I don’t understand what’s so difficult. I’m sad.


I’m unfortunately married to the sound of this amp. For example a person married to the Mcintosh sound or the Pass labs sound. My speakers (Summit X) are amplifier picky. They love this amp. I check my email 20x a day hoping to see the invoice. I also check the junks. They had already said the part is available for $300. I’m not even sad anymore. I am depressed.


"Back to the issue, why are you quoting words I never used to make it seem like I was over-dramatic in my situation? Is something seriously loose in your head?"

@samureyex ,

To directly quote your exact words;

"I am very sad. "

"I am depressed."

"Some might understand my agony"

"I’m desperately waiting ..."

Now, whatcha got? Again, these are direct quotes from you I’ve pulled from posts you’ve written on this subject. No poetic license, these are the exact words you yourself have used. I don’t appreciate you calling me a liar among other less than complimentary things when clearly you are wrong. An apology would be nice.


But I will give you a chance to prove your point. Show me the "agonizing, struggle, desperate" and "hyperbolic nonsense" that makes the situation more dire than it is that contains within my opening post. Go ahead.

@thecarpathian You too. You’re straight up lying and putting words in my mouth.

Just saw this one. I’d ask you to reference the above post as evidence of hyperbolic nonsense over a broken amp. The prosecution rests. Yes, indeed. An apology would be nice.😎


@grislybutter ,

It’s no use, grizz. I’ve explained having a perspective as opposed to putting things in perspective. I’ve pointed directly to my reasoning. My character and truthiness have been attacked over it. He’ll simply never get it.

@ozzy62 ,

I believe the subject at hand is how big of a self denial drama queen the OP is...