How does the Cambridge Azur 840C sound compared

How does the Cambridge Azur 840C sound compared to the Sony SCD XA5400es? Which one has more air, warmth and sound stage?
I've decided to buy one or the other. Has anyone made a comparison?
In regards to the first response, I once returned a Sony XM radio to have the fan looked at because it started to make a terrible noise that could be heard from three rooms away. Sony "bench tested" it against another radio, then sent it back in the same condition stating there was no problem, as it sounds like the other one. If their service/warranty is much better, as stated, I'm wondering better than what!? Nothing? I've never bought Sony since that warranty dis-service.
"Do you think a week is long enough to tell what it sounds like?"

Hi Zeal,

As I think I mentioned in my first post, I got the Sony used. Not sure how many total hours are on it, but it sounds quite nice as is; so much the better if it continues to improve.
I want to thank everyone for their feedback. It should be noted that my 13 year old Theta Miles still sounds great through my Rogue 150 monoblocks that drive my Martin Logan SL3's. I replaced the screens on the SL3's 2 years ago and it still sounds great. Am I really missing anything?
Zeal, I have heard the Theta Miles many times at a friend's house.
I believe you are missing a lot by not upgrading your CDP. Digital technology has evolved a lot in the past 13 years.

Good luck