Squeezebox duet best sounding output?

Would it be better to use the digital RCA output or the optical output to feed a outboard DAC?
Bedroom system: Quad 12L,Cambridge 640A integrated,vonschweikert vrs1 sub,Music Hall dac 25.2

Thanks for your thoughts
Why not try both and decide for yourself,after all,you are the one that will be listening to it.
I just purchased the DAC, it has not arrived yet. I am looking to spend up to a couple hundred for a decent cable. Buying both a toslink and a digital would cause domestic unrest. I need to pick one and live with it for a while. Thanks for the responses
Coax sounds a smidgen better than Toslink from my Duet Receiver to Stello DA-100. Coax has potentially higher bandwidth than Toslink. Toslink can save you from a ground loop hum from a CATV box, but generally better to stick with Coax.