McIntosh MCD500 vs Ayon CD-2

Getting ready to pull the trigger on an upgrade soon and would appreciate some feedback. Has anyone compared these CD players?
Ag insider logo xs@2xgreginnh
Pretty good. As good as my EAR 868 for starters. The EAR may be a bit more open, but it's damn close.

No, I haven't run the CD5 through my Rowland SS amp yet. Will give it a test drive soon.
Don´t know the mcd-500 but my two cents FWIW.
I have been playing the CD-2 through a MA-6600 .
It is far better on direct connection using the digital volume of the c-2 than using the 6600 preamp section .
Using the Ayon cd-1 is just the opossite , that is using the 6600 preamp .
Both Ayons sounds best with the digital volume between -10 to -5 , never use the full output. IMHO.
I used the CD5 for some computer audio stuff, via the USB port the last few days. Excellent. And those computer downloaded MP3 files kinda suck, to say the least. But they replay very nicely using the CD5 as the preamp hooked up to the computer. Can't really tell the difference between stuff on the cpu and CD.