No one talks about Purist Audio Design cables.

That's what I mostly use, in addition to Wywires Diamond and Gabriel Gold interconnects and Custom Power Cord Company Top Gun power cords.

Used to be a lot of talk about them.


Good to hear the cable industry might be running out of swanky new and improved BS with a few moving on.., back to reality boys 😈

.......thankfully 1971gto455ho always brings a positive attitude and response to these forums. His comments are always based on what he has listened to and can share it with us neophytes. What would we do without him.....??? But then again cables can only make sonic differences to systems that are resolving and musical. But then again maybe he spends a lot of time working on his GTO as we used to call them ; " Get Tools Out = GTO ''  as we always found them on the side of the road DEAD. Maybe he should go out and listen a little more            

Musaeus and HDI are such soft sounding cables, I have since stayed from the less expensive lines. I have Proteus and Dominus B interconnects now. Both are heavy cables which need strain relief for the jacks. The dominus is ridiculously unwieldy, very heavy and stiff. They sound more alike than I was expecting. The proteus is brighter ( as in the dominus is darker). It is also flatter with sound coming from the plane of the speakers and more sounds collapsing around the speakers. The dominus is more lush, set back behind the speakers and a bit larger sounding. I don’t have the sense of losing detail between one or the other. I will never sell the dominus. At just ~$1500 used and not readily found, it is perfect for me.


At least on forums I think Albert Porter and Romy the Cat popularized this brand, specifically the dominus. That is why people used to talk about them.


Did you compare old Dominus with newer Neptune ? Is your Dominus filled with fluid or Ferox ?

Old Dominus is almost impossible to find, either interconnects or speaker cables.

I got into Purist cables long ago from Romy the Cat, as mentioned by someone above. Great cables at the time but I've moved on over the years. I didn't even know they were still around. Now that I research it seems that opinions are more mixed on the newer models. Back in the day it was almost universal acclaim.Â