Thiel Non-Model History – products that never were -
Prof – thank you for this question. Indeed we’ve covered a lot of Thiel history here over the years, but little about developments and decisions behind the curtain. This story would fill a memoir, which sadly, has not written itself. So, I’ll shine some light, while limiting the scope and depth for manageability. There’s always more.
Context -
Perhaps somewhat oddly, I’ll start at the end. I was informed by an insider that at the end Jim was working on an omnidirectional full-range driver. Such an omnidirectional driver would fit nicely into our global orientation of the speaker as mirror-image of the microphone and belief which we shared, that the omnidirectional mic captures sound most similarly to the ear, and far more faithfully than any directional counterpart. Although directionality in mics and speakers is a sad necessity in stage and professional arenas, the requirements can be more well managed in dedicated playback situations with less sonic degradation and higher retention of sonic information via room treatment and tuning while retaining inherently superior omnidirectionality.
I can’t speak directly to that late idea-in-development. But I can recount early non-products based on first-hand knowledge of my brother and my twenty year lived history with Thiel Audio. What follows is a summary sketch of some of the experimental non-products during the early years of Thiel Audio.
Let’s venture back to 1974 at my Georgewown Road homestead. As a rung on our ladder to self-sufficiency, my Conceptions Design Studio had taken on Walter Kling as co-designer-craftsman, and secured early success in the high artisan-crafts marketplace. Our informal community sought a venture that would utilize and engage all the willing members beyond Walter and myself, in an enterprise with enough breadth, depth and horizons to support us for our forseeable future. This was the 1970s when autonomy and self-employment were hallmarks of the emergent counter-culture. We decided to fund Jim for a year to investigate whether his electronics knowledge could be responsibly applied to this task of right livelihood for a group of friends seeking meaningful co-employment.
Sidebar: At this time there were no computers outside large institutions, no internet, and only nascent knowledge of how loudspeakers really worked. The Thiele/Small Parameters were barely a decade old and not widely in use. Jim was inclined toward electronics with a first-interest in circuit innovation. More sophisticated amplification is where we first explored. Loudspeakers were seen as necessary tools to prove and improve amplifier advancements. Our survey of available loudspeakers revealed competing limitations and trade-offs, and no particular solution for accurate, revealing laboratory monitors.
Non-Product History -
In that first exploratory year we discussed, explored and studied what was needed for a really accurate and transparent research transducer. What floated to the top was a spherical globe around 1.5 feet diameter, fully covered with small (1/2” diameter) full-range dynamic drivers. More extended bass response could be achieved via greater sphere size and driver count, and/or by crossing over to a powered sub-woofer or folded horn. We built both a powered subwoofer as well as a 6’x 6’ folded horn to Jim’s specifications. The long story can be summarized to our realization that we were in over our heads with far more questions and considerations than our resources and scope would accommodate.
Lets count the most significant trials to date:
Non-product 1: Spherical multi-driver hung from a wire
Non-product 2: Powered subwoofer
Non-product 3: Folded horn subwoofer
All were built, tested, evaluated and set aside as exhibits for the Future Non-Museum.
Next stage was a distillation of contending technologies. It was clear that powering individual drivers with individual amps held extreme promise. Each amp could be tailored to the particular demands of each driver, and low-level, active crossover circuitry before the amp could produce better results at lower overall costs. The prototype that emerged was a tri-amplified three way, small format speaker with active crossovers including bass boost.
Sidebar: Note that Meridian had not yet come to market and to our knowledge there were no such products in the world. We determined that despite our collective enthusiasm for the concept, we as a self-funded fledgling enterprise could not support market penetration of such a product. To reduce further temptation, we burned the prototype on the pasture pyre.
Non-product 4: Self-powered speaker
Further distillation led us to what became the model 01, a 10”x 1.5” actively equalized, high sensitivity, full range speaker covering 25Hz to 18kHz. That product was fully developed along with its manufacturing engineering and feasibility studies. We began selling that product to local markets in 1975 with encouraging results.
By this time, our founding team included Jim, myself, my wife Kathy, Walter Kling and Fred Collopy with talents in business design-development, and emerging personal computing. I considered that team of 5 as essential for critical skills to take the plunge of full-time commitment to this business undertaking.
By request from users, Jim next developed the conventional 6.5”x 1” ported bookshelf model 02 to higher popularity than the model 01.
Our third market product was to be the model 03 a floor-standing 10” 3-way. Through its development we discovered that time-phase coherence was an important missing ingredient normally traded-off as not important enough for its trouble. We sidelined the conventional model 03.
Non-product 5: Conventional tower 3-way floorstanding model 03
We struggled for the next year and a half before deciding to accept the impossible challenge of producing a coherent speaker. The actualized model 03 with its sloped baffle time-aligning all the drivers, and first-order slopes maintaining phase alignment and impulse integrity was introduced in late 1978. It utilized the active bass equalization of the model 01 which persisted through the 03 conventional, 03 coherent, 03a, CS3 and CS3.5 (the fifth generation model 3, including the seminal non-coherent original version.)
The founding team survived only a few years, and the loss of Walter and Fred were nearly catastrophic to the business. I consider that upheaval as a fundamental loss.
Non-product 6: The fully functioning involvement of all 5 founders
As we gathered experience we learned to evaluate and accept/reject potential products in the hypothetical phase with minimal commitment and expense. That’s the highlights; let’s stop here for today.