new Parasound A21+ vs my old Rotel RB-1080

Parasound is having a sale on siver.  Audiogon moderator just removed the post.

any advice on an A21+ to replace an old Rotel RB1080?  system is MartinLogan ESL-X .  I have an top end tube audio-gd preamp with a PSA-DacJr and Eversolo source.  SVS micro sub.    I think that the Rotel is the bottleneck for clarity.  I recall it being a step up from my Adcom 5400, still warmish but with better bass control.  With the tube pre, I was hoping to upgrade to a strong Class A neutral SS like a Pass or Coda.  but probably never have the budget.  for $1500, do you think it would be worth it?  or too similar to the Rotel


The jc 1 is on sale 400watts 8 ohms 800 4 ohms 1.2 in 2 with 3kw in transients.25 watts class a.great amp for the money .on parasound classic website have older version jc 1 2700$ I bought a pair and love them.look at reviews out of 2000 or so it's great.

I purchased a used pair of Parasound JC1 in 2014 and used them for 10 years -- they were very good. I wouldn't discourage you from buying those at Parasound's current good price.

Those were so good, in fact, that I traded them in last year for a new pair of JC1+. The difference was immediately and noticeably better -- better bass, better highs, and a lot more headroom. Best upgrade I've ever made. From the reviews, my impression is that the JC1+ can drive nearly anything you connect them too.

Good luck.