I’m considering both the Tri-planar 12 tonearm and a Korf TA AF 10 tonearm. The former is well respected and known. The latter is also well respected but not as well known.
Any users on here have feedback to share on either arm but particularly the Korf?
In the WBF, it has been suggested the Korf is very good, but runs on the lean side so I’d want to factor that into cartridge considerations. The Tri-planar would have somewhat reduced angular tracking error given it’s length and configuration but some also suggest it’s fussier to set up. I’m not too worried about that as my dealer will help. Both arms have effective mass that falls mid-range so I’ll have a fairly wide range of cartridge choices.
Just looking for more data points before I pull the trigger on either. And, if there are strong recommendations for something else, I’ll take that under advisement, too.