State of California reaching for Sales Tax

I sent a Grimm MU1 streamer back to the netherlands for upgrade in early 2024. I had contacted them with a question. they logged into my streamer remotely. said it looks to have a cable problem and that is was an early model that they would like to upgrade to the latest version at no cost to me if I would just send it back. The MU1 isn’t heavy so I decided to send it back.

choosing a Tariff code wasn’t easy but finally found a code for "returned items" which prevented Grimm from having to pay a large VAT on recieving it. When they sent it back, the US Customs and Border Protection Agency held up the package for a few days, and then I had to pay them about $50 for their trouble to determine that no tariff was due.

I thought that was it.

Just got a letter from the state of california saying that I owe them sales tax for this item they saw coming into the country from the Netherlands. They gave me a reference but I need to "create and account as an importer" and then try to convince them that I do not owe sales tax (use tax).

I haven’t found record of my shipment out of the USA yet but hope I can find someting to convince them this wasn’t a purchase.

Wish me luck,



I am glad I could give you an opportunity for your childish insults, seems like you are not aging backwards. I hope you have good care with your decline surprise

 Anyone with any sense knows that CA is ridiculous with taxes,

We should all pay more federal taxes just in case the state of Mississippi needs to buy Brett Favre's kids more presents.  

These last two responses say more about your demographic than you'd care to let on.

I am totally open about my demographic. What a fun conversation. Lovely lovely little group of folks from woke to all the way to you know who...