I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume?

I suppose this is an open question to any of you fine people, but I'm exclusively analog myself and particularly curious to hear from those of you who listen to records.

What would you say is your normal listening volume? Perhaps measure it and post the db's?




Glad to hear someone out there is doing record shootouts! That's a big part of my listening.

I totally agree that every record has an ideal listening level. The level at which it best comes to life. However I find with shootouts that it sometimes helps to play records even louder than that as this can sometimes better reveal their flaws.

Not great for hearing though!


I take a similar approach. Tend to play louder. Try to take breaks.

And when the top end isn't right, forget about it.

But when the top end is right? And the mids? And the bottom end? When the record is extended well at both and getting everything right in the middle? Man! Sometimes it just seems I can't play it loud enough!


"The emotional feeling after 1 to 2 hours of Music:    Life is wonderful, all is right in the world."

I'm right there with you!

60-65dB for me, measured at the listening position. With half an ear left, I'm cautious about playing too loud!