Anybody heard LA SOURCE of Audio Aero?

Am being told that this is Audio Aero's top of the line CD/SACD player using a very high quality transport. Any feedback on its sonic virtues compared to the likes of EMM Lab, DCS Puccinni, ARC CD 7 and AA Capitole/Prestige?
Lall,with the trouble you've had with AA,are you really considering another unit from them?Doesn't seem like a good idea to me.
Sounded really fine to me at CES this year, through CAT pre and monos to Hansen loudspeakers.

I have a Prestige, so was very curious, other than the generally favorable impression, I can't be much more informative as my own set-up is radically different (SET, and Horning Hybrid speakers), and show conditions being what they were.

I'm also hoping to get more of a proper opportunity to audition this player in the near future.

I still love the sound of my Prestige, but the transport struggles to put it mildly.
I have seen it during Munich show last May. Esoteric transport looks like a wise move, but the price difference between the Capitole/Prestige models and this seems to be excessive. When I first seen the inside the player, I thought that it may sell for 15k euro or thereabouts, but at 25k euro ... oughh !
Have heard La Source today at Audiophile Club, London. I own AA Capitole Reference SE and had demoed it 6 months ago in the same setup at Audiophile Club, so can try to make a few comparison remarks. The rest of the setup was BC-Acoustique A4 speakers and AA monoblocks; La Source was used as CD Player & Pre-amp. I had a 30th ANNIVERSARY SAMPLER CD with me which I used during the audition (amongst others).

La Source was so easy to listen to with all material thrown at it. It truly draws you into the listening - you are curious to hear more and more.

Soundstage depth was awesome & that was one of the main improvements over the Capitole Ref SE. There was so much more space beyond the speakers / listening room boundaries - it was scary. A large orchestra hall was easily imaginable.

Clarity of the presentation was phenomenal: strings very taut, zero distortion, ie very real.

High frequencies reproduction was spot on - very detailed, airy and very real once again. BC-acoustique speakers posed no bottlenecks in this area, so helped to hear La Source potential. Capitole Ref SE had also been very good in this area, although perhaps lacked a sense of realism just a tad.

Bass reproduction (eg church organ) has been top notch, perhaps not as thunderous as I heard in other reference setups, however, that could be due to AMP/Speaker limitations.

I was told that the Transport is custom & top of the range Esoteric unit. The player looked like a monolith unit – certainly a bulletproof piece of engineering, weighing some 25kg.

When comparing the two AA players, of course, one can feel a similar AA sound signature, La Sources being a clear winner in all areas. However, not being able to afford a phenomenally higher price level of La Source, I'd say I can very happily live with Capitole Ref SE unit!

If you have that extra cash at your disposal, by all means consider La Source in your setup! I would at least love to hear its potential in other Reference AMP/Speaker setups...