What is the best sounding CD Changer.

I am looking for the best sounding CD changer in the $250 to $500 price range. This is primarily for entertaining and background music with the goal of putting in 5 or more discs, hitting a shuffle button and getting 6 plus hours of music. SACD would be a plus but not required. Best sound possible at that pricepoint is the primary goal. After a frustrating afternoon trying to find reliable information on-line, I thought I had a solution with the NAD C515BEE but turned out to be a single disc player. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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I had one of the Sony ES 400 disc changers and it sounded passable, and it played SACD's (which sound pretty darn good actually), I asked a couple of the modding shops about upgrades, and they were very eager to do it, but I thought it could be putting bad money after good if the changer mechanism went out.