Has anyone had eperience with the new sony xa5400e

Just wanted to see how many people have actually used this player and what were there thoughts on it

I've had the Sony XA5400ES about 7-8 months.
I've been using it with an Onkyo 876 HT receiver.
I used it for some months with a Cambridge 840W/840E combo
before selling the Cambridge.

The Sony has a problem starting discs from 00:00 unless you leave the disc tray open and press the "Play" button on the remote control. It skips a second of the program if the tray is closed when you press play.

The remote is cheap and, despite having plenty of free "real estate", they make the play button the same size as pause and stop.

Another thing I don't like is that you must press the power button before you can use any functions.
My previous (Sony) SACD player ($215) would power-up automatically when you press the "Tray Open" button, etc.

The sound is very dynamic (CD and SACD) and certainly does nothing "wrong", but does not have the "cut above" Blue-Ribbon sound I remember from my Rega Apollo/BAT 300X-SE system (lacks soundstage pecision and the feeling that you're getting 99.9% of what is on the disc. Musicallity also comes up short).

I'm doing my best to re-acquire the BAT and I'll give you an update when this happens.
I remember that long thread and rather enthusiastic reviews. I also remember thinking that it does not have a digital input, and that if I get another cd player I'd like it to serve as a DAC for my computer also. This may or may not be an issue for you.
I read that thread about the sony and I wasent sure I beleived everything, not that i thought people were lieing, Have you ever met a bunch of people who all have the same thing and they never say anything negative about it, so you wonder if there realy being objective, or are they just complimenting there own equipment. Thats kinda how I felt when I read it.
Has anyone on here tried anything from esoteric or naim?
I havent decided on the sony just yet.
where have you been...

The 5400ES has received more press, than ALL Sony
products combined.

Check out all the forums.

Some consider it the "greatest thing since the microwave!"


Oh and "experience" with the Sony, is what you meant,

What about Marantz,
"Ken Ishiwata is probably the highest profile personality in this industry. An eloquent talker and stylish dresser, he is courted by the world’s press and instantly recognised by the buying public. Nonetheless, few people appreciate the depth of his involvement with the company for which he has worked for more than two decades, Marantz." -The British Audio Journal-

Never A-B tested the two, but with the Level 2 Underwood Modifications, the Marantz has to be heard to appreciate.

I Love My Music!