Sorry, a question about the Sony SCDXA5400ES.

Here it is: I'm looking for a new cd player, only redbook, no sacd needed. My budget is a max of $1500, new or used. So who has heard this thing? Who can say (who actually HEARD it) that it will better most, if not all other players in my price range? Is the hype so? Does it currently make boutique brands obsolete(in the lower price range)?
... I suppose I'm not asking whether or not this is a giant killer or anything like that, I'm specifically looking for a CD player, and have a limited price range which the Sony SCD-XA5400ES fits into nicely. If there are other players which can compete, I will research and consider and try to listen to them.
Jtnicolosi writes:
Who can say (who actually HEARD it) that it will better most, if not all other players in my price range?
Mofimadness asked if you had searched - and you replied that you had. Did you read all the threads the search found? There are plenty of positive posts regarding the performance of this player that are not "just one person ranting against another".

Have you read the review/thread by dave_b?

A number of comparisons are noted. How many comparisons do you need? Aren't positive comparisons to more expensive machines more convincing than comparisons to machines in the same price range?

Are you aware of the Stereophile rating? Have you read what KR says about the 5400? What about what Allen Wright (VSE) says?

Surely the fact that many audiophiles find it a very satisfying player should be enough to convince you that it's worth listening to. There are also posts by owners who eventually sold the player because it did not better another they owned. It's not all roses.

No one can make up your mind for you.


Please list your system. It's not much use to recommend you get a fully balanced CD player, if your preamp is single ended..........
Fair enough Metralla, your response actually helps.

Blue Circle SBT/SBM
Harbeth SHL-5
but it's often just one person ranting against another. One for, the other against

That's human nature my friend.Bite the bullet,grab a Sony SCDXA5400ES and hear for yourself.If you don't like it,sell it.After all,you are the only one that knows what sounds good to you.Other folks may try to convince you they know what's good for you,they are full of crap!!Good luck.