I had considered the Denon 3910 but was concerned about the laser reliability and loading times based on what I've read on the net.
Anyone have any familiarity with Pioneer Elite players (dv-59avi, dv-79avi)? I used to own an old pioneer DVD player and was always surprised by the fast load times as well as the general transport quality. In fact I was actually using it in place on a Muse Model 5 transport and was amazed how similar they sounded. The muse player was better, but the fact that a $2500 cd transport and $200 dvd player didn't sound much different really surprised me. I guess the fact pioneer transports are used by other hifi companies says something about their general quality.
Anyone have any familiarity with Pioneer Elite players (dv-59avi, dv-79avi)? I used to own an old pioneer DVD player and was always surprised by the fast load times as well as the general transport quality. In fact I was actually using it in place on a Muse Model 5 transport and was amazed how similar they sounded. The muse player was better, but the fact that a $2500 cd transport and $200 dvd player didn't sound much different really surprised me. I guess the fact pioneer transports are used by other hifi companies says something about their general quality.