Great Blu-ray or DVD player for CD Transport

So I'd like to switch to a universal player to watch movies and listen to my CD's. My main concern is redbook CD performance through digital out (SPDIF or AES/EBU), not video. Even a DVD player that looks good on a 42" 720P HDTV is fine with me. Having a blu ray player would be nice but frankly I don't care too much. Faster CD loading times would also be a plus.

I currently am using an Oppo 981 DVD player as a transport. It's ok, but tends to sound a little bright compared to other dedicated CD transports I've used. The player would be used with a TACT M2150X digital amplifier so I don't need a DAC. Something under $500 used would be preferred.

Any thoughts?
Go with a Pioneer. I've used the DV-79AVi for over three years with heavy duty use without a problem. Another option is to find a used Denon DCD-1650AR cd player. It is great as a transport. Built like a battleship. Stereophile's Sam Tellig used it as a transport.
I have been using a Pioneer DV-58AV. Not only Digital out
to my favorite DAC for CD, but also utilizing multi-channel High Resolution DVD-Audio as well as multi-channel
SACD Disks. Downmixing these to 2-Channel via the Pioneer,
is probably the best thing that I have ever heard off of an optical Disk. Two Channel versions of these Disks seem
to lack dynamics. Multi-Channel Downmixes seem to have a
vastly superior Soundstage with lots of depth. Dynamics seem to be restored as well. Also convenient for 2 Channel
Systems. Picked my Pioneer up on sale dirt cheap for $250.00. Must be the Downloading Fad.
having cycled through a number of the denons (2800, 2910, 3910) before settling on a pio 59av, i gotta vote with the pioneer folk. the denons sound great under optimal conditions, but they're too damned quirky and unreliable--lasers fail, drawers stick, etc. the pioneers, on the other hand, work flawlessly, read discs quickly and operate silently. the integra dps 6.5/10.5 etc. also make nice, inexpensive transports (i'm seem to recall they're based on the pioneer platform).
I appreciate the input from everybody! On somewhat of an impulse buy I ended up purchasing a Pioneer Elite DV-79avi that looks like it's pretty close to new condition for $265 including shipping and all fees. At that price I don't think I can do much better!

From reading the player's specs what I really like is the additional features it provides to improve audio quality like:

-Separate audio transformer
-Isolated audio boards
-One button ability to shut off all video circuitry

Once I've had some time with the unit I'll post my findings.
I hooked up the new Pioneer DV-79avi last night and I have to admit that it was an immediate improvement over the Oppo player I was previously using. The overall presentation was much cleaner and transparent. Tighter bass, deeper soundstage, smoother treble, etc. Considering the unit is built like a tank I feel like a got a really good deal considering the $250 price tag.

On a side note the video performance was extremely good to for upconverting DVD's. Better than the Oppo in this department as well.