Great Blu-ray or DVD player for CD Transport

So I'd like to switch to a universal player to watch movies and listen to my CD's. My main concern is redbook CD performance through digital out (SPDIF or AES/EBU), not video. Even a DVD player that looks good on a 42" 720P HDTV is fine with me. Having a blu ray player would be nice but frankly I don't care too much. Faster CD loading times would also be a plus.

I currently am using an Oppo 981 DVD player as a transport. It's ok, but tends to sound a little bright compared to other dedicated CD transports I've used. The player would be used with a TACT M2150X digital amplifier so I don't need a DAC. Something under $500 used would be preferred.

Any thoughts?
Checked out Onkyo DV-SP1000 on forums.klipsch, Willland.
It looks like a very nice Unit. The claim on forums.klipsch
is that it will not do HD DVD. I don't know if this is true
or not. If it is then it will not do Multi-Channel HD DVD
audio, nor will it Downmix these to two Channels. I am still amazed at how such Players can still wring out even
more performance out of 2 Channel Redbook CD. Still think
that 2 Channel SACD/HD DVD Audio sounds worse than CD.
Probably why the guy in forums.klipsch moved his HD DVD
Player. I think that the Manufacturers tried compensating
by utilizing Multi-Channel SACD, and Multi-Channel HD DVD
Audio. Downmixing these to 2 Channel,IMHO, set a whole new
Standard when done correctly. No-one even seems to be aware, or there would be more Audiophiles familiar with this. Could be the HD Multi-Channel Downloads completely
blotted these Disks into oblivion, sad!

The Onkyo DV-SP1000 is a pre-BD/HDDVD universal player. It will play all formats(CD, SACD, DVD-A, DVD, etc.) except for Blu-ray and HDDVD. Redbook CD's sound awesome. I have never played any SACD's or DVD-A's with this player. By the way, that is my player in the photos on the Klipsch forum. I am actively looking for a second Onkyo DV-SP1000 or Integra DPS-10.5 in black to use with my bedroom system.

You say that the Onkyo DV-SP1000 is a pre-BD/HDDVD
Universal Player. Then you claim that it will play all
formats(CD,SACD,DVD-A,DVD,etc.) except for Blu-ray and
***HDDVD***. I will give you and Onkyo the benefit of the
doubt, but first which is it? Does it play High Resolution
Multi-Channel DVD-Audio and Downmix to 2 Channels? Does it
play Multi-Channel SACD and Downmix to 2 Channels? If it does, I stand corrected. If it does, I might try to
purchase one. I am just trying to find out for information
purposes only. Sorry for the misunderstanding!

I only have personal experience with Redbooks CD's and DVD. I dug these up on the web.

I just looked at the setup menu on my SP1000, and there is an option for 2 channel or multichannel for SACD.
