Wadia S7i direct to amp

Looking at simplifying my system, wondering if anyone has heard the new Wadia S7i direct into an amp, and if so, how did the pre section fare? My experience w/ an 860x years ago was that the pre wasn't good enough for me to get rid of my pre at the time (a Cary SLP98).
Rtn1- I prefer using my GNSC Statement Wadia S71 with my tubed Concert Fidelity preamp. It adds just enough of that "tube" quality I personally love (but not too much :)). I switched all my cables to Frost Audio BlackFrost. It is the single biggest improvement I have ever heard from non-electric gear.
FWIW, I run my S7i directly and don't hear any negative effects on the soundstage until the volume goes below 70 or so; typical listening is done in the upper 70s/low 80s and Wadia's papers claim no degradation above 74.