Best Dac with USB input for $1,000 or less

So what is the current consenus out there now-a-days for the best dac with USB input for a grand or less.

I see a lot of favorable press for the MHDT Havana. Is this the one to beat?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I was at the Lone Star Audiofest last month and listened to the Tranquility DAC. At the RMAF last year, I listened to the PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC. The PS group had better electronics and speakers with their DAC than dB Audio Labs did. I found the Tranquility more natural sounding. But the DACs were in different systems and at different times, so you have take my comments with a grain of salt. And yes as the above poster stated, the Tranquility does the natural decay of instruments better than any I have heard. I'm glad I got one for myself.

No_Regrets, if you can splurge an extra $300 ($1300 if you are an Audio Circle member, just sign up), I think this DAC will sound more natural and satisfying than anything mentioned on this thread. BTW, I have heard the ultra expensive dCS, Play Back Designs, and Meitners. In all honesty, I enjoyed the Tranquility more. But again, these were not side side comparisons.


The Havana *is* the one to beat in the sub 1K price range. I've not used the USB input (use coaxial input) and the sound is phenomenal as a no digital filter, no Op-amp DAC.