Need DAC help

I posted here a while ago wanting to get suggestions for replacing my California Icon Mkii. The suggestions appeared to be to keep it and get a DAC. Since that post (which appears to have vanished from Audiogon) I have tried to educate myself about DAC's which I was totally ignorant about at the time. Have a simple system with Totem Forests and a Plinius integrated amplifier. I am a soundstage junkie and may also want to tame to high frequencies a bit. Would like to get a tube Dac Considering the TDAC, maybe Havanna but would really like suggestions, Thanks
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What's your budget? There are a couple of great post recently regarding DAC's I would search those for some ideas as well.

Good luck.
My budget would be around $1,000 new or used. Could possibly stretch a bit more if it sounded like the right move.
You have a very nice start with the Totem and Plinius. I have been using a PS Audio Digital Link III and am a big fan. It has a smooth and realistic presentation with good full range extension and tames the digital glare. The mods are even better they say. I also bought a Cambridge DAC Magic for a secondary system and it is really good, but not like the PS Audio. Used for $500, I think the DLIII is a great deal. If you can spend more, there are clearly better units, of course. The next step up may be the Wyred 4 Sound for $999, but I haven't heard it. Many out there as you approach $1K. We are all lucky to have so many great DACs at all price points.
Dude, dude, dude!! With your budget and current excellent gear, I think the PS Audio (as suggested) or the Benchmark would be great matches. I have had both, and they are both great, I think the Benchmark is more detailed.