Need DAC help

I posted here a while ago wanting to get suggestions for replacing my California Icon Mkii. The suggestions appeared to be to keep it and get a DAC. Since that post (which appears to have vanished from Audiogon) I have tried to educate myself about DAC's which I was totally ignorant about at the time. Have a simple system with Totem Forests and a Plinius integrated amplifier. I am a soundstage junkie and may also want to tame to high frequencies a bit. Would like to get a tube Dac Considering the TDAC, maybe Havanna but would really like suggestions, Thanks
I am unclear if the PS audio is a tube Dac. Would love to hear more suggestions, thanks
The PS Audio is not a tubed unit. I would look for a used Kora Hermes which is tubed. They are excellent sounding.
How about the Eastern Electric DAC. Uses same Sabre chips as used in the Wyred DAC, but instead of a discrete output stage, you have a switch that allows you to choose between tube and op-amp output stages. At $750 a great buy.
Looks like alot of solid recommendations here and it appears all could be had new for under a $1000.00 I would also like to throw in the Eastern Electric dac which has been garnering some good reviews as well. If you can stretch your budget a little the Tranquility dac is supposed to sound great with a few people saying it sounds better than the Berkely. It is a NOS non tubed dac but is supposed to have a very organic and analog sound quality to it. One caveat is that it only has a USB connection
My fault for not reading your post correctly. The PSA is not tubed, but it does sound like tubed DACs I have heard.