Describe ube sound vs solid state

What are the charesterics in comparing each of these?
My experience has been that tubes are just more musical and pleasing to listen to. I have owned a lot of both. My Exemplar Exception integrated contains the best of both. Pre-section with tubes and the amp section SS. Simply stunning. However, if I had to pick one and live with it I would go TUBE AUDIO.
Electroslacker, tell me more about the Gold lion reissue's, that could be a cheaper alternative for me to want to listen to, and keep for good back up tube's, the mullard 10m tube's are very exspensive and hard to find, although that is what I have plan's to use in my cd-player.
Audiolabyrinth, once again, I find your posts confusing. Are you currently using Mullard 10M tubes or not?

You claim they are 'musical bliss', and that they are the 'best money can buy', then you mention that those are the tubes that you "plan" to use.
Are you claiming they are the best (we all know that there is no best) from personal experience, or from what you have read on the internet?

Remember, just as with all things in audio, there are no absolutes, no "best".
Folks have their own personal favorites, just as they have their favorite music.
However, just as no one song can be dubbed the "best", no one tube can be labeled the "best" either.
you are correct John, their is no best tube, these just get most votes as most liked, that's it, there you go, cheers.
Audiolabyrinth, I'm not a big tube roller, so my perception may be narrow compared to others.

The Gold Lions replaced TungSol's in the line stage of the original VAC Avatar. I had been sniffing around the McIntosh offerings and noticed a pattern of users swapping out the factory tubes for the Lions, and a consensus of improvement. I was curious.

At first, I thought the top end sounded brittle, and I had lost some bass. This changed after just a few days of burn. The first new thing I noticed was a sustained organ note as a track faded out, when before it had gone to black.

Holistically, the sound seemed more liquid. Things moved in and out of the sound-scape with a sense of holding a water balloon instead of a basketball. The oddest thing was standing in front of the amp with speakers to the side and having a sense of much more music surrounding the speakers, instead of just projecting forward. Strange.

Specifically, on something like Roy Orbison singing, "Only the Lonely," the backup singers were clearly delineated by number and voice, which greatly increased the pleasure of the performance. I always thought the Janis Ian album, "Breaking Silence," was really good in terms of sound and craftsmanship, even though Janis's voice is soft. With the Gold Lions it becomes spectacularly good. Finally, I played trumpet, and the Empire Brass sound more metallic in the right way.

All this could be device/circuit dependent, so YMMV and all that, but this is kinda/sorta what I experienced.