Describe ube sound vs solid state

What are the charesterics in comparing each of these?
Sounds Like? An Audio Glossary
J. Gordon Holt, July 1993"

..."solid state sound That combination of attributes common to most solid-state amplifying devices: deep, tight bass, a slightly withdrawn brightness range, and crisply detailed highs."

..."tube sound, tubey That combination of audible qualities which typifies components that use tubes for amplification: Richness and warmth, an excess of midbass, a deficiency of deep bass, outstanding rendition of depth, forward and bright, with a softly sweet high end."

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In chef terms:
lean chicken salad or soup with greens (nutritious vitamines)
Texas Roadhouse steak dinner -- Fort Worth Ribeye with mushrooms and salad (STRENGTH!).
make ur pick
All depends on the system built around them. Tubes or transistors alone can't make any sound.

The best of both tend to sound more similar than different at least when not distorting. Its when they distort that things become different, but we wouldn't want any of that now in any case would we?