Wyred DAC-2 vs. PS Audio PWave

Does anyone have experience comparing these two DAC's? I'm deciding between them, having heard neither in person. Even though their price points are a bit off both seem highly regarded. My primary sources would be CD and USB (from macMini).
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I have been using a Sonos via coax into my Dac2. But I also tested the waters with a Mac via the asynchronous USB. What's really exiting, though, is to use the the memory player feature in Pure Music with USB out. I'm trying to build a system that will let me do that routinely.
How did the Sonos compare with the async USB output from your Mac? Also, were you using the DAC2's internal async USB input or some other solution (like a HiFace, etc.)?
I used the USB out of the Mac and directly into the DAC2. The sound of the USB was somewhat better than the Sonos, but the difference wasn't huge. Maybe it has to do with the way the ESS chip copes with jitter, which is the Sonos' weak point. In any event, the big advantage to using the Mac/USB is that it allows me to multiply the benefits of 1) asynchronous data, 2) high resolution files, and 3) Pure Music's memory player (with iTunes).
just gave a listen to the DAC-2 over the weekend. it's a nice sounding DAC and i liked it. couldn't A-B it with my PSA combo but got a good idea of what it can do. that being said, i much prefer the PWT/PWD combo using the HDMI connection. detail seemed similar (outstanding in both) but the PSA gear pulled it off smoother. also thought the DAC-2 had less extension both up high and down low.

but again....couldn't do an A-B so not sure how useful my comments/opinions are here. i think you'll find both are great DAC's. as always, it'll depend on how you put it all together.