I'd slowly begun a project to move 1000's of CDs to NAS/FLAC.
It became obvious fairly quickly that I was simply transferring crappy sounding recordings from one storage medium to another simply for the convenience of random access.
I've since modified the above plan and am now only moving the few fantastic sounding CDs to NAS/FLAC, and, more importantly I'm beginning to build a 24/96 library on the same NAS.
The dozen or so 24/96 recordings I own sound absolutely spectacular. ..Optical from laptop or PC to DACMagic.
This DACMagic/FLAC/PC thing started out as more of an experiment than anything else. Now I'm in the process of looking for a better DAC, although this little DACMagic is darned good.
I could very happily live with all digital media on NAS. 'having said that, I can't imagine ever having all CDs transferred to NAS, so, I'll need a CD/SACD player probably forever.
I just wish there were more sources for good 24/96 recordings. I'm happily paying more for these.
It became obvious fairly quickly that I was simply transferring crappy sounding recordings from one storage medium to another simply for the convenience of random access.
I've since modified the above plan and am now only moving the few fantastic sounding CDs to NAS/FLAC, and, more importantly I'm beginning to build a 24/96 library on the same NAS.
The dozen or so 24/96 recordings I own sound absolutely spectacular. ..Optical from laptop or PC to DACMagic.
This DACMagic/FLAC/PC thing started out as more of an experiment than anything else. Now I'm in the process of looking for a better DAC, although this little DACMagic is darned good.
I could very happily live with all digital media on NAS. 'having said that, I can't imagine ever having all CDs transferred to NAS, so, I'll need a CD/SACD player probably forever.
I just wish there were more sources for good 24/96 recordings. I'm happily paying more for these.