Who has found happiness giving up on DACs?

With apologies to the other post (and with tongue planted firmly in cheek) and with all seriousness, I have gone back to a CDP. Right up front I'll admit that I have neither the time, resources and the inevitable inclination to try one DAC after another. My ears will never achieve the amount of abuse that those who have gone before me have had to endure. I do not envy you but am thankful. Its folk like me who rely on the accumulated ken of those who have paved the path to certain and wise choices.
Having said that (in none too correct a fashion), I'd like to hear from those who have gotten off the merry-go-round and settled on a CDP.
It sounds to me that you haven't just found the right
DAC. I have MSB TECH and with their new ilink I have their DACII and what I hear the three and the new four totally blow it away
I am with Mezmo and Robertbrown on this one. I also do not think that your assessment of one DAC after another is really a fair one. FWIW, the transport makes a big difference in the amount of jitter getting to the DAC. Furthermore, the digital cabling and implementation are huge! To simply distill it as to DACs being a PITA is simply not true.

You didn't ask, but I will recommend that you try a Mac as a server (out of the box easier) and a good asynchronous connection. Even a M2Tech hiFace will improve many SPDIF connections, and it is cheap!
4est stated.... "I will recommend that you try a Mac as a server (out of the box easier) and a good asynchronous connection"

Need help understanding what you mean by "good asynchronous connection". Can you give some specific examples ?

There are several common methods of transmitting the signal to the DAC. A good asynchronous connections allows the DAC to control the signal flow, not just "catch" what is sent by the transport mechanism. It will greatly reduce the net jitter. You might be amazed at the palpable difference it makes. Even legacy DACs are often invigorated with a device as simple as the hiFace. There is one listed here at the moment. Otherwise it is at Tweak Geek. About $150-$180.

Some other examples:

Firewire DACs: Metric Halo, Weiss DAC2 & DAC202- All three are excellent.

USB DAC: Wavelength products, Ayre, DCS- possibly HRT music streamers

USB>Spdif: M2tech hiFace (they have some new items coming out that should be hot too), A.R.T. Legato, Halide Design Bridge

If you still have a DAC around and a Mac computer I highly recommend trying the hiFace (works with windows too). For the money I think you might really be surprised. It helps even something like a Benchmark DAC1. Use a nice digital cable if you have one. Otherwise connect it right to the DAC and use a USB cable to it. There is a lot of info on the Computer Audio Forums.