Describe ube sound vs solid state

What are the charesterics in comparing each of these?
Czar, you might be right about the brainwashing, but I have to admit I pay a premium for many products that I consider to be healthier mainly because they have less of the bad stuff they would have otherwise. Mostly for convenience reasons.

ALthough at home if I am not in a rush I will mix and water down things on my own in order to better fit my diet.
Rsrex, I have already recognized lumpy frequency response in loudspeakers before.
Geoffkait, some of you may have found that, more recently others found the opposite to be true.
Atmasphere, I find tube amps to typically sound brighter than ss amps.
Mapman, flat frequency response as being discussed here is in regard to the relationship of measured input to output.
I find tube amps to typically sound brighter than ss amps.

Your experience here is unusual! The majority does not share it. This might have something to do with the speaker you are using- it might have a much higher impedance at high frequencies than lower down.

I think you can still order printed copies of the chart. I have a framed copy on my main listening room wall. Its a work of art in that context to a technical nutcase like me. The interactive version online is even better.

It really helps you understand what you are hearing and why, for anyone who really cares about the facts.