PS Perfect Wave Trans/DAC versus Meridian 808.2

Has anyone been able to compare these two products or comment on either individually as a significant improvement over high quality red book equipment? I am intrigued by the apodosing filters ability to enhance Red Book sound by reducing pre-ringing. And these two products, as far as I know, are the only ones using these filters.
you're right Ben, that's what i meant to say...."network based audio". this illustrates how little i know about the stuff. gimme a box that just does it! =)

agree 100% regarding a well done hi-res recording. have purchased a few Ref Recordings and managed to burn a few hi-res dvd's myself. 96/24 to 192/24 (some good 88/24 as well)'s a huge leap forward for digital imho. truly phenomenal.
Gammajo, the PS Audio Bridge, for the PWD will be available starting end of this month so it's pretty much here. Being able to have your entire music library in the palm of your hand is so much better than looking for a disc to play it's not even close. Once you've have a streaming media library you'll look at playing cd's as so limiting. BTW if you have the coin and really want to go the Meridian route, my advise would be to do it as a combo with a Sooloos music server, that would be the killer system again if you have the $$$$. That you give you the best of all worlds.
Thank you for the advice. I will be eager to hear the response to the Bridge. I confess that I do like cruising through discs for what I feel like playing better than toggling through my Ipod (lossless) but that will probably be shed in favor of high res.
I'm thinking about getting the combo- PWT, PWD.
I'm trying to understand the PWT better- Is it more like a hard drive than a CD player- does it have storage or is that what my PC is for?
What If I only have one home PC? I don't really have a network or any other pnp devices.

Has anyone done the trade-in program yet? One dealer says the trade is "upto $1000" depending on what you trade in, so you don't just get a grand by showing up with something bought at Costco for 59 bucks!! It would be interesting to hear what deals people get. I have some older gear, but would just keep it if the deal is only "pennies on the dollar"
Check with music direct. I believe you get $1000 off each for each transport and each DAC you trade in toward $1000 off each Dac and each Transport you buy.

The PWT is a CD player with memory, so it plays from the memory. It stores a couple minutes of CD quality music or several seconds of hi-rez audio before it outputs it. The PWT plays hi-rez disc as well as CD's. It does NOT play SACD's. I'm not sure if it will play DVD-A or not.

One computer is fine if you want to use it for a source. You can play anything from low rez to ultra hi rez using the computer. I play ripped DVD-A's this way. You can hook it up to the DAC via Coax, Toslink, or USB. When the Bridge is released you can hook it up wired or wirelessly through a router. This will be the best way.

This is a STELLAR combo IMO.