Describe ube sound vs solid state

What are the charesterics in comparing each of these?
Charles: FWIW, I recall my encounters with ss in analytical terms--"the Class'e seemed more solid, but the McCormack seemed faster," but I recall my encounters with tubes warmly as cherished experiences, and I don't compare one tube experience to another. This makes me think the tube experience was profoundly musical, free of checklists and ratings. This is only realized as I look back over the experiences. Perhaps distance is required to see the pattern, and I have little confidence I could discern this difference in the moment.
Electro slacker,
Well stated, when the musical listening experience is emotionally involving and realistic, the mental checklist is erased and you just sit there and get involved and engaged with the music. You express the gist of this contrasting experience well. There becomes no need or desire to have an analytical approach, just relax and enjoy. A different body response is evoked and it feels right, no mental dissection needed when the sound is more natural.
^^ This.

Music is process in the limbic centers of the brain- unless some aspect of the sound is altered enough that the brain detects a problem- and then the music processing is transferred to the cerebral cortex.

This is literally why some systems are emotionally involving while others are not. Obviously the goal would be to keep the processing in the limbic centers.
It is as I mentioned in previous posts. If one offers opinions regarding tube vs solid state or amp vs amp and does not offer reference points, then the comparisons are not based on fact.

the bottom line is that one will see lots of opinions regarding tube vs solid state and how tubes are Gods gift to the world and solid state is the lazy persons offering to the music reproduction world. And that couldn't be further from the truth.

One has to compare apples to apples. To simply say tubes are better, warmer, etc. is not accurate or true. in comparison to what???

Don't take anyone's word as gospel. Pick a price point, find some solid state amps and tube amps within that price point. Taking into account your existing system and speakers and the load it represents to the amp. The room size, the volume level that you are comfortable with and get those amps into your system and listen for yourself.

One would be doing a large disservice by saying that tube amps are better than solid state or visa versa (yeah,,,, no the are not) without a direct scientific and listening comparison.

There are some really great solid state amps out there that I would take in a second. Just as there are some really great tube amps out there that I would also take in a second.

To say one is better than the other is not based on any comparisons that I have seen.

If I was to be thinking of buying amps, I would establish my price point, the power ratings and impedance I need to drive my specific speakers, go demo them in my system (for that kind of money, absolutely it would be in my home system and not in a store), take careful, thoughtful notes, and decide.

As I don't 100% trust anyone else's opinion or ears except my own, that is how I would go.

getting someone's views is one thing, but buying based on that person's view is not smart.
