I would encourage any one to listen to any component they have an interest in obtaining or if just curious. This is an open forum and we're all just sharing our various experiences. I personally don't view listening to music as a scientific exercise.Over the years I've
heard many components and systems and as a result have formed opinions based on that. Other people may have their own way of judging what they hear and reaching conclusions. There's no one correct way (and all else is wrong)to go about this. Listen and note how you react and respond. It will be a bit different for each of us(as would be expected). when the the sound/ music reproduction is right, you'll know it. No one will have to direct your or influence your natural reactions. You don't have to justify what you like(or why you like what you like), just enjoy what you've found. I know what has consistently worked for me and has been the more satisfying emotionally. If it's different for someone else that perfectly fine. In my case, analytical method doesn't work. I must be moved and drawn into the music, I operate on emotion and spontaneous involvement.