CDP choices-Looking for advice

Hi everyone,

In the market for a new CDP for my 2-channel setup.
-95% redbook playback but SACD and BD would be nice bonus as a all in one unit. I will also need to address video options aswell for watching mostly concert DVD's
-I do not want to sacrifice 2ch playback with a universal player.
-Budget 1500+/-

Players/scenerios under consideration.
Oppo 83SE-bang for buck award winner?$900 roughly
Marantz SA8003-Price is right+Oppo 80 or 83 for BD $1300-$1500
Marantz SA15s2-Sure looks sweet+Oppo 80 or 83 for BD $1700-$2000

Is there that much of an improvement on redbook cd's as I go up the scale?
I understand at some point there is diminishing return, just not sure where that is in this line up.

Thanks for the advice!
The Sony XA-5400ES is pretty tough to beat in the sub $2k price range. I love mine.

As with anything, whether you can hear a difference (and whether it's "worth it") with a pricier player depends on how good the rest of your system is, associated components, the kind of music you listen to, what qualities you're looking for, etc. Let's face it, a crap redbook CD is still going to be crap on a $40k player, though maybe a bit more tolerable.

There's no one right choice. Plenty of debate about what's "best" on this on other forums and numerous good choices. Buy a couple of used players with different sonic signatures to test drive for a couple of months and then you'll know what direction to take.

As pleased as I am with the Sony, it's a temporary stop on the way to a computer-based audio system with DAC (the 5400 can't be used as DAC). This is clearly the way the industry's going. Maybe now's the time for you to consider this?
The Sony XA-5400ES, while excellent, has issues concerning its availability. See this thread.

Among redbook-only cdp's, the Bryston BCD-1 is well regarded and can be found used for around $1800 (it is $2.9K new). This is what I use, and I have been very pleased with it.

If you want to consider a tube-based player, the Doge 6 is also well regarded, and costs about $1600 new.

BTW, my compliments on the fact that you correctly asked for the noun "advice." My observation has been that about 90% or more of posts asking for advice incorrectly ask for the verb "advise."

Best regards,
-- Al
Agree with Schotbus. Whatever your choice of CDP make sure it can be used as an external DAC as computer based audio is the future (now!).
Another thought on a redbook only player is the Lector 0.6t that is presently listed for sale here. No relation or knowledge of this seller, but I personally use this unit and find it exceptional at this pricepoint. It has a true tube output, not just a tube buffer, employing a pair of 12at7 tubes giving a very smooth, detailed, and almost analog presentation.