CDP choices-Looking for advice

Hi everyone,

In the market for a new CDP for my 2-channel setup.
-95% redbook playback but SACD and BD would be nice bonus as a all in one unit. I will also need to address video options aswell for watching mostly concert DVD's
-I do not want to sacrifice 2ch playback with a universal player.
-Budget 1500+/-

Players/scenerios under consideration.
Oppo 83SE-bang for buck award winner?$900 roughly
Marantz SA8003-Price is right+Oppo 80 or 83 for BD $1300-$1500
Marantz SA15s2-Sure looks sweet+Oppo 80 or 83 for BD $1700-$2000

Is there that much of an improvement on redbook cd's as I go up the scale?
I understand at some point there is diminishing return, just not sure where that is in this line up.

Thanks for the advice!
The Sony XA-5400ES, while excellent, has issues concerning its availability. See this thread.

Among redbook-only cdp's, the Bryston BCD-1 is well regarded and can be found used for around $1800 (it is $2.9K new). This is what I use, and I have been very pleased with it.

If you want to consider a tube-based player, the Doge 6 is also well regarded, and costs about $1600 new.

BTW, my compliments on the fact that you correctly asked for the noun "advice." My observation has been that about 90% or more of posts asking for advice incorrectly ask for the verb "advise."

Best regards,
-- Al
Agree with Schotbus. Whatever your choice of CDP make sure it can be used as an external DAC as computer based audio is the future (now!).
Another thought on a redbook only player is the Lector 0.6t that is presently listed for sale here. No relation or knowledge of this seller, but I personally use this unit and find it exceptional at this pricepoint. It has a true tube output, not just a tube buffer, employing a pair of 12at7 tubes giving a very smooth, detailed, and almost analog presentation.
My advise is to not fret the grammar and usage around here, Al; in that direction lies madness! ;) J
Yes, it is me again. You know the guy who likes the Sony595, shipped by sonystyle for $60. So, before you spend, check it out. Don't like it? Sonystyle will pick it up and refund the full price. Dare to be cheap.