Dac recommendations for computer audio

I have recently made the decision to retire my Cal Audio Labs Alpha and Delta combo. I have purchased a new version of the Mac Mini to go Into my system that consists of Salk Sound HT2-TL speakers, an Audio Mirror T-61 preamp, and a Counterpoint NP100 hybrid amp. Now, I need to add a high performing Dac that will deliver an analog-like and organic presentation. The ability to deliver killer midrange with female vocals, a large soundstage and clearly defined instrument separation are must-haves. I am very new to the computer audio world and my head is spinning from trying to keep up with available Dacs in the market. This will be my only source, so I want to get it right. I have an affinity for tubes, but I will keep an open mind and consider SS Dacs that meet these qualifications. My budget is 3k and under. Thanks in advance for your assistance.
PS Audio PWD and later you can add the Bridge for a full music server system. W4S Dac, Berkley if you have the $$$.
my front end is also computer based, and my wants paralleled yours - "The ability to deliver killer midrange with female vocals, a large soundstage and clearly defined instrument separation are must-haves". i would strongly suggest the Wyred 4 Sound DACs.

i've had a Wyerd DAC1 running for about a week now - previously, i owned Weiss Minerva and Musical Fidelity Tri Vista... the Wyred is my favorite of the three. seems to combine the best traits of my prior DACs - has the detail and resolution of the Weiss, while maintaining the extraordinary soundstage and realism of the Tri Vista. it's a fantastic DAC, and a ridiculous bargain at its price.

If I was working with your budget, I would strongly consider the Metric Halo LIO-8.