musical fidelity a5 tipped-up treble

I have a speaker who sound really bright on trebble and mid. I read on 6moon review that the a5 would not be a good match for my speaker. anyone have experience whit this cd player.?
There are better choices if your speaker is bright, like Marantz cd players and amplifiers. Of course, one day you change your speakers and then you're going to start changing electronics and the never ending cycle starts :-). That's why pick the speaker first and build your system around it...and maybe that's what you're already doing
i have canton ergo 695 and mcintosh ma 6500 all audioquest cable, my lounge ist open whit the kitchen and i know that its one of my problem.
Well that does seem like you should be getting enough bass to balance out the treble, but since you aren't, maybe the speakers are indeed the problem. The MA6500 has pretty powerful bass for its size so I don't think that's the issue. I know because I bought one from my neighbor. It's a great amp.

Maybe your space is Really large and needs more bass than what 4 German 9s can offer. It's hard to say without seeing and hearing your system but a subwoofer may be a solution.

Tonal balance is a relative effect. If you don't have enough bass, all you notice is the treble.

Otherwise, I would recommend the Marantz SA11S2 for your system. It has a warm, laid-back sound that might suit it really well.