Mlsstl-the numbers are irrelevant. They are nothing but propaganda from the MP3/Computer Music Storage crowd, not to mention the Computer Industry itself. They are an excuse
not to improve on Music Storage. The old line is that the consumer is not interested in Sound Quality. I don't know what the exact numbers are, but they seem to think that they are in a huge majority. They believe that Music should be less about Sound Quality and more about convenience. They have apparently painted a target on the back of the CD Format. They apparently believe that it sounds too good (sic) and it is not convenient enough! They want it gone,that is for sure! You can't even communicate with them unless you argue with them on their level with their own propaganda. I don't believe their crap, but their propaganda is the only language they understand. Thus, the misinformation about the facts. They believe that 90% of Consumers are not interested in Sound Quality, as devine providence from God, an 11th Commandment. An order to eliminate all non-believers and their competing Formats. Convenience, above all other conciderations, is their Holy Jihad! They are proud of that 90%, and they use it like a sledgehammer to get their own way. Industry is more than happy to take more of their money and give them less in return. Not only are they more than happy to donate to the cause, they would gladly donate their life and soul to the cause. I would say that their Industry is more like the ORI from the Stargate T.V. Series. Their Industry gets its power from the belief of its followers. Down with all things of Performance or Quality, they must be purged in the Holy fires of convenience. If you are an Audiophile, and part of the 10%(from their World view, NOT mine), you are part of a slight inconvenience to them. They get REAL upset about that, watch your back. If you listen to CD's-BLASPHEMY- you can run, but you can't hide from them. They aren't ashamed or embarrassed about it, they are quite proud of it. In fact they probably enjoy the power they gain by me sending out the warning, putting the fear of the God of Convenience into everyone. Be forwarned, he is a Vengeful God that shows no mercy! Resistance is futile, we will service them with the upmost convenience! How did I do guys, was that good enough? Was that enough Fire and Brimstone?
not to improve on Music Storage. The old line is that the consumer is not interested in Sound Quality. I don't know what the exact numbers are, but they seem to think that they are in a huge majority. They believe that Music should be less about Sound Quality and more about convenience. They have apparently painted a target on the back of the CD Format. They apparently believe that it sounds too good (sic) and it is not convenient enough! They want it gone,that is for sure! You can't even communicate with them unless you argue with them on their level with their own propaganda. I don't believe their crap, but their propaganda is the only language they understand. Thus, the misinformation about the facts. They believe that 90% of Consumers are not interested in Sound Quality, as devine providence from God, an 11th Commandment. An order to eliminate all non-believers and their competing Formats. Convenience, above all other conciderations, is their Holy Jihad! They are proud of that 90%, and they use it like a sledgehammer to get their own way. Industry is more than happy to take more of their money and give them less in return. Not only are they more than happy to donate to the cause, they would gladly donate their life and soul to the cause. I would say that their Industry is more like the ORI from the Stargate T.V. Series. Their Industry gets its power from the belief of its followers. Down with all things of Performance or Quality, they must be purged in the Holy fires of convenience. If you are an Audiophile, and part of the 10%(from their World view, NOT mine), you are part of a slight inconvenience to them. They get REAL upset about that, watch your back. If you listen to CD's-BLASPHEMY- you can run, but you can't hide from them. They aren't ashamed or embarrassed about it, they are quite proud of it. In fact they probably enjoy the power they gain by me sending out the warning, putting the fear of the God of Convenience into everyone. Be forwarned, he is a Vengeful God that shows no mercy! Resistance is futile, we will service them with the upmost convenience! How did I do guys, was that good enough? Was that enough Fire and Brimstone?