Alex - I'm pretty sure that most of CDP don't spin faster and FIFO buffer is filled in real time just to take out jitter (while PLL keeps same average of both clocks). $19.95 Pioneer is not necessarily much worse then $6000 Esoteric since Pioneer is produced in milions. Also Esoteric drive alone doesn't cost $6000 (more like $600?).
Computer CD Drive doesn't have any particular speed during ripping process - it is program controlled and changes from 1x to about 20x on my Mac.
Server based system and mentioned Esoteric might sound different because of different electronics. Use top quality DAC in the system and to many it might sound better then Esoteric.
In my setup computer noise induced jitter doesn't make much difference since data is send to Airport Express not as a stream but as files/packets. AE decodes data and spits it out with its own clock achieving, according to Stereophile measurement 250ps word clock jitter. Dacs have usually some means of reducing jitter (like PLL). Benchmark DAC1 does even more but some people don't like upsampling or oversampling converters.
Computer CD Drive doesn't have any particular speed during ripping process - it is program controlled and changes from 1x to about 20x on my Mac.
Server based system and mentioned Esoteric might sound different because of different electronics. Use top quality DAC in the system and to many it might sound better then Esoteric.
In my setup computer noise induced jitter doesn't make much difference since data is send to Airport Express not as a stream but as files/packets. AE decodes data and spits it out with its own clock achieving, according to Stereophile measurement 250ps word clock jitter. Dacs have usually some means of reducing jitter (like PLL). Benchmark DAC1 does even more but some people don't like upsampling or oversampling converters.