Adding Esoteric G-03X Clock to X03-SE cd player


I've got an Esoteric X03-SE cd player and am considering getting the G-03X master clock. Has anyone heard this combo, and can you tell me what improvements you heard?

The improvements will be very significant.Master clocks are one of the most underutilised part in Digital playback.In case of Esoteric,any Esoteric SACD player ,you should not buy the player without the clock.
>>08-25-10: Fafafion
In case of Esoteric,any Esoteric SACD player ,you should not buy the player without the clock.<<

Having heard almost every Esoteric cd player for hundreds (and some thousands) of hours, this is unequivocally one of the dumbest posts you'll read in the forums.

Dealer disclaimer
IMO, I agree with Audiofel..If your dissatisfied with the 03SE and what your hearing then I suggest looking at all the other components in your system first.