My grandfather was a nut, back in 1960 he bought a fisher tube amp and pre?i think on the pre,anyways i rememmber growing up listening to the music being played all the time and he thought it was swo great| awhile probaly 25 yrs. my father told me that when my grandmother finally found out how much it cost,she nearlly died. I dont rememmber the amount but quite expensive for the time.
Anyways since being a child i have been exposed to good quality music,i dont know if i should than k my grandfather or not since this hobby has we all know is #$@%^*& expensive.
Ten years ago at the age of 29 i got my first system, cary slm 70s,denon 3560 mod. by stan warren and after several years of research and 5 prototypes i had a pair of speakers and have been hooked.
Anyways since being a child i have been exposed to good quality music,i dont know if i should than k my grandfather or not since this hobby has we all know is #$@%^*& expensive.
Ten years ago at the age of 29 i got my first system, cary slm 70s,denon 3560 mod. by stan warren and after several years of research and 5 prototypes i had a pair of speakers and have been hooked.