$500-$1000 to spend on a used CD player

I have $500-$1000 to spend on a used CD player. I am looking for recommendations. I have a Marantz 2325 receiver and Klipsch KG3 speakers.
Check out www.pioneerelectronics.com as they have several SACD players for sale at great prices. I have the lest expensive one, on sale for $230, and it was a significant improvement over my blu-ray and 6 disk changer. There are several other options, but they all seem to have good reviews online.

I might be able to save enough to also pick up a blu-ray player.
Why not spend $60 on a Sony 595? Think of all the software you can buy with the savings.
For a number of years I used a Music Hall CD25 with a Marantz 2240 receiver and like the pairing a lot. The 25.2 CD player is available these days for $350 or so, new ($600 list). A new version of the player is being introduced.

Wait a minutes, Yates! You say you want a good CD player for $500-$1000. The oppo BDP-83SE is available directly from Oppo for way less than $1000. What are you waiting for???

Hey Buconero!

You keep mentioning that Sony refurb, but it's been out of stock for what seems like ages. Any chance you know anything about how frequently they become available?