Wyred 4 Sound Dac1 vs. Dac2

Reading lots of favorable reviews. Not seeing much on the Dac 1.

Reading advertisements, seems the big difference as far as features is remote. has anybody compared the sound? is there an appreciable, if any difference?

Thanks in advance. Thinking of using to start a PC-based music server and wondering if I really need to spend the extra $500.
The Ayre is now about $1400 more and used are getting near new price.

Check out Computeraudiophile.com for some comparisons and lot's of reviews of the w4s. There are some comments indicating the bass definition of the QB-9 leaves some wanting more, while the W4s seems to have exemplary bass definition and presence. I have a high regard for Ayre but am leaning now towards the W4s. I will likely listen to the Ayre again now that I have my new GM EOS speakers.
Ok everyone.. I'm not up on my DAC knowleage..I plug my CD player into the DAC then DAC to pre-amp or pre-amp to DAC then DAC to amps? Do I even need a DAC..lol..? So a DAC Converts the Digital signal to an analouge signal..? Is this instead of buying a record player..? Sounds like a sound shaper..? Totally have no idea if I need one or will benifit from having one..Is it a tweak..? I have a Krell KAV300CD into a Bryston BP-25 pre to my Krell FPB350MCX...to my old school B&W 801's... to DAC or not to DAC ..that is the question..Thanks. D.
I recommend you check out the forums here and on the computer audiophile site and start reading the many threads on DAC's and transports. The answers to your questions are already covered.
Gonna try the Wyred4S DAC2..hope it compliments the D-Sonic 500 watter on the way..D.
Well, afteer starting this post, I bought the Dac2 in early Deccember. Used it for a few weeks after burn in as an outboard DAC for my OPPO BD83 and it excelled. Then took advvantage of the asynchronous USB with my PC and was absolutely blown away. Using J River and have about 200 redbook CDs and a few hi res downloads installed. After thirty years in this hobby, I would say that the DAC2 ranks in my top two or three purchases.Glad I spent the money for the asynchronous USB. Happy listening!