Analog to Digital

I have an analog rig with a LOMC, phono stage, and a Jungson JA-88D integrated. I would like to record from my system to a hard drive (currently iMac with 10.6.4 Snow Leopard). I don't necessarily want to store this on a Mac. A simple file server (netbook?) would be ideal.

I have a VPI TNT jr and would like to retain the audiophile sound quality. What type of ADC and software would I need.

I have read a bit about the Apogee Rosetta 200. Is this a high quality unit or do you recommend others? Could I also use an Esoteric d-05? I don't have one. However, I could acquire and use it for playback and possibly record(?).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Redglobe,
For info check out "The Perfect Vision" or "AVguide", I think they're the same site.
I saw it for sale and in stock at:
BTW: This is not a pricey unit but interesting. Pretty new though, maybe that's why you couldn't find much about it. Hope this helps!
Just got the Furutech GT-40 in last night at my store and did a brief listenind session with my AKG-702s.

The GT-40 was able to drive the 702s quite nicely and offered a very detailed sound with good width and image specificity. Vocals were realistic sounding and instruments had natural timbre.

Using the GT-40 as a USB dac feeding my normal headphone amp (Vincent KHV-1pre) the sound was more detailed than the HRT music streamer II, but both USB dacs are quite enjoyable to listen to.

Best feature of the GT-40 in my opinion is the ability to record to your computer from your TT. Simply plug your TT into the GT-40's phono preamp input and run a USB cable to your computer and record your records right into your HD.

Considering the feature set of this piece, it is a great value!
Hi all,

I use a Korg MR-2000S which records in twice DSD. It is so difficult to distinguish between the source and the recording in this format.
What I have noticed is that as you come down the formats twice DSd to Once DSd to 24/192 and then 24/ mp3, you start loosing the information between and around the artist. As it gets close to red book level you may have only 105 of the bloom, the air apce between the musicians, etc. The tone also starts to change and it gets harsher and brittle.

So the most important factor in this (as it is time consuming and you don't want to repeat re-recording) is to choose the correct format to record in.

My thoughts.

I like to keep my computer and my 2-ch system far away from each other. A totally different, and very satisfactory, way to go is to use a digital recorder with removeable media. It stays in the system all the time and is quick and easy to use, just like a cassette deck. You get the option to make a quick as-is (but not at all bad) recording, like copying vinyl to hear in the car, or engage in the more time consuming process of editing on the computer and then tracking and burning. Keeps computer freed up while recording. Keeps work area (and all its RF) and listening areas separate. I could go on.

I've used the Sony CDR-W33 CD-R and the Edirol R-4 HD recorder with much success. I've also used smaller devices where you bring the recorder over to the PC to dump the data rather than just the media.

There's now a whole new generation of solid state rack mount recorders that I've yet to gain experience with but look very promising like the Denon 650R and some Tascam offerings.